NEU! 是對潮流、藝術及生活有獨特自我詮釋的 select shop,
也是 Neu Boutiques Co., LTD. 服飾公司專為時髦客打造的全方位時尚會所。
以效法七零年代德國電子搖滾的前衛先驅 "NEU!"樂團命名(德語 "新" 的意思),成立目的是杯葛一切被冠上主流標籤的作風,希望找尋當下潮流中具有「超脫=Beyond Cool」和「復古與摩登折衷主義」的服裝品牌,讓你 / 妳在每一個時刻都能表現自我、創造嶄新風格。
NEU! 除了引進新世代服裝創作者的前衛作品,也持續提供影響當代潮流的音樂、藝術、設計等同步國際的寬廣視野,對 NEU!來說,流行元素只是一種宣言,藝術和生活才是它背後的靈魂。
在這裡,NEU! 提供的不是商品,而是你 / 妳不能不知道的風格觀點。
NEU! is a unique select shop which has built its own interpretation and reputation for what is trendy in fashion, art, and lite.
It is the fashion boutique which Neu Boutiques CO., LTD has created for those who wish to be in vogue.
The Store was named after the 70's progressive German electronic rock band "NEU!"("neu"in German means "new").
The brands carried and NEU! boycott mainstream clothing, looking for styles that are "Beyond Cool" and "vintage, modern, and eclectic"
Our handpicked labels display the latest styles and sentiments of designers from around the world.
NEU! has not only imported the newest generation of designer's edgy collections, but combines it with the hottest music, art,
and design to widen perspectives. According to our NEU! philosophy, fashion is for the body-- art and culture is for the soul.
Also, at NEU! we not only provide the product, but the style knowledge and history behind every piece of colthing as well.